Saturday, August 31, 2019

Roles, Responsibilities, and Boundaries as a Teacher

Part 1 Part A (1 & 2) – Roles, responsibilities and boundaries As a Training Consultant (TC) and teacher my main role and responsibilities are to educate and deliver effective training and impart my skills and knowledge in my specialist area which is Childcare. This is needed to support the learner either directly or indirectly and to maintain an inclusive, fair/just and motivating learning environment. I understand that as a teacher I am primarily responsible for the health and safety also the moral and physical welfare of my students/learners.I am also responsible for teaching students with Special Educational Needs. I provide Training to Learners within their workplace which can be either in a nursery, a school, Residential Care setting/Children's home or any setting that looks after and educates children. The qualifications I deliver are Certificate (level 2), Diploma (level 3) Children's and Young People's workforce alongside Functional skills; Maths. English and ICT at l evels 1 and 2, and Employment Rights and Responsibilities (ERR).This I deliver both in the workplace and in the classroom. I am employed in a full teaching role. I am required to perform all aspects of the teaching and learning cycle as outlined in the â€Å"Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector†0 As the teacher I am responsible for following company policies and procedures and for attending promotional events, for example: A Career day at local school . This would be to show our potential students the benefit of taking up training with our company.Whilst attending these kind of events I will need to have an up to date and sound knowledge of my specialist subject and at all times follow the Institute for Learning (IFL) code of professional practice as this may be my first contact with potential learners/students. When delivering the Qualifications I use the teaching and learning cycle which is made up of the following five sections; identifying needs, planning tr aining, facilitating learning, assessment, quality assurance and evaluation. This would also help me to judge the abilities of my students and would be helpful for my own self evaluation. 1.Identifying needs: this will start with the initial face to face contact with potential learners/students which is considered the most important as this will create the very first steps of building a bond with the learner/student. This will be a major step in understanding their needs and recognising their potential. Each learner is different due to different previous experiences. To identify their educational background and level I would form a discussion on what previous knowledge they already have and would facilitate communication in such a way that all learners are encouraged to participate in the discussion.Whilst the process of identifying needs is taking place, there are some boundaries that may affect the process. The lack of information regarding learners' requirements can make the proc ess of assessment very difficult because I do not know the background knowledge of the student before starting an initial assessment and this can have negative effects on the process of assessment. Students/ learners may be mature student. Therefore there may be funding constraints. Nursery managers have to adhere to Ofsted’s ratio requirements so staffing arrangement can be stretched having an affect on visit lengths and times.There are many boundaries to teaching. Liaising with other professionals. When liaising with other professionals I will need to remain professional at all times. I frequently liaise with other teachers within our organisation this will include one of our functional skills teachers. She knows her specialist subject well. When needing expert advice on delivery or assessments relating to functional skills I would ask her. This is to ensure that I have to correct information to pass on to my learner, so I do not put them at a disadvantage.I have to deal wi th eternal professionals such as Learning Links this is a agency that deals with young adults who have had a difficultly finding a job for variius reasons such as acholoca, drug abuse. Part B – Legislation and Codes of Practice The legislation that impacts my teaching are the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 this Act provides a frame work for all employers and employees outlining their roles and responsibilities to ensure everyone's safety. Equality Act 2010 is a discrimination law that protects people from unfair treatment and creates a fairer and more equal society.Data Protection Act 1998 is a law to protect people's personal information. It is important that I demonstrate that my standards of teaching constantly meet or exceed all Approved Codes of Practice (ACOP) set out by my employers or other professional bodies if compliance is ever called into question. The codes of practice I follow are: Institute for learning (IFL) mentioned above and Early Years and Childcare c ode of practice. A professional code for child carers, providing advice for professionals carrying out their duties and responsibilities within their working role.Firstly, in accordance with Professional practice, members should ensure that no action that they take will be detrimental to the Child's welfare, safety or will hinder the child development. Secondly, members should aim to maintain the highest possible standards of performance, to aim to improve their knowledge, skills and competencies by taking advantage of training. 3As Institute of learning (IFL) points out specific behaviour expected from the member for the benefit of learners, employers, the profession and the wider community. They are as follows: Integrity, Respect, Care, Practice, Disclosure and Responsibility.This is what all members should adhere to, to ensure that good quality teaching is carried out. Thirdly, members should constantly evaluate and reappraise their own methods, policies and practices and keep up to date with current developments in light of changing needs and circumstances. Lastly, member should be aware of the need for confidentiality within their professional practice. Part C – Equality, Diversity and Ways to Promote Inclusion The Department for education and skills have a handout called The learning Journey this is a vital tool for all assessors.This clearly shows the process to follow when meeting with the learner/student for the first time. I need to acquire as much information as possible to identify any support needs of the learners. During the discussion, as a teacher I encourage learners to seek initial and further learning and to use services within the organisation. This is called Signposting. This is when I will direct the learner on where to find additional information, guidance and advice or learning resources. Another service within the organisation is Referral.This is when I will direct them to an outside agency depending on the kind of support they require. If they have mental health issues I would direct them to Children and adolescence mental health service, Portsmouth if they are 18 years of age and under and Health recovery, Solent, Portsmouth, if they are 18 years of age and older If they had alcohol, drug or gambling problems I would refer them to Addction within this organisation they have a specialist team to counsel, support both the individual and those closest to them. Once the learner/ tudent has the correct information and agrees with the referral I would either make the appointment or I would give the learners/ students details to the agency. I would then contact the agency to ensure everything is in order. I would then record details and ensure the learner knows what arrangements have been made. I must not discriminate against a learner and must provide every opportunity for every learner that learning will be achieved. To be able to do this properly I need to have prior knowledge of my students through the init ial assessment process.Facilitate Learning: Within the initial meeting I would then make sure that the learners are on the right programme, checking their eligibility for funding, giving advice, guidance and appropriate information, keep records of discussions and agreements, maintain confidentiality and undertake a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check, if required. Being a Teacher is extremely rewarding. The quality of learning the advice and guidance on the programme they wish to undertake is very important.What is also necessary is supporting the students' individual needs, applying and adapting my teaching methods to suit the students' preferred learning styles, level of skill and abilities. In doing this, I would be motivating my students to progress and achieve their desired qualifications. Part D – Core skills Functional Skills consist of Math’s, English and ICT. They provide the foundation of knowledge and skills to enable the learner to function at the required level, confidently and independently in everyday life.For example, they help us recognise good deals when making purchases, in writing a CV or application letter, or when using the internet for emails and online banking. Functional Skills qualifications can be achieved at Entry level, Level 1 or Level 2. Some learners may already have achieved at school but it is still important that the teacher embeds the elements of Functional Skills into the subject. It is important to embed Functional skills into everyday work life. Maths is embedded into everyday tasks such as working out ratios, room measurements and nursery fees.English is embedded into everyday during training sessions and work – based tasks. ICT skills include using computers, using email for communication and word processing. It is important that a teacher has competence of their Functional Skills. If handouts were produced with spelling mistakes or the teacher could not operate a computer, it would cause the learn ers to lose confidence in the teacher and lack of credibility. Part E – Environment I need to create a safe, non-threatening, good atmosphere at all times.To quote from Teaching and Teacher education hand-out from PTLLS course3 â€Å"having a safe, supportive environment provides a foundation for maintaining the productive relationships†. I agree with this statement as I frequently come across this situation with my learners, especially in childcare. If there is not a suitable environment for teaching and giving feedback then the learner remains in the formal stage and will not move into the informal stage where most of the learning takes place. Therefore, this would mean I have failed to empower and motivate the learner.With this in mind 5Maslow's hierarchy of needs clearly states â€Å"that we must satisfy each need in turn starting at the bottom and working our way up† Please see Maslow's triangle below. If the physical, emotional and wellbeing needs are not met then the higher order needs are not considered. So as a Teacher it is important to meet these needs in the first or second meeting and throughout out the length of the programme. I will make sure the learner’s needs are met when planning the initial meeting. Therefore at the same time make sure all parties involved i. managers, supervisors and mentors are made aware and that they agree with the length of meeting and the meeting place for both the learner and I. Part F – Ground rules Ground rules need to be set to establish boundaries for students starting a course, knowing some basics about what is expected during the length of study. In all teaching and training sessions ground rules are necessary to ensure that all learners have the same expectations on how to behave. The ground rules can be established by talking through behavior expectations of the learner and myself.By involving the learner they are more than likely to take ownership and empower the students. Ground Rules that can be : Such as punctuality, mobile phones of or on silent, confidentiality and most of all respect. Parts G and H, Effective Feedback, Engaging and Motivating Learners For every individual there is a variable driving force. Not all students are naturally motivated. Some need to be challenged, inspired and stimulated to learn and see a task through to the end. Not all learners are motivated by the same things some students are motivated by the approval of others or self challenge.To encourage students to become self-motivated, independent learners, as a teacher I can do the following: Give frequent, early,positive and constructive feedback that supports students' beliefs that they can do well. Support learners that need it, keeping in mind their attention span limits and discuss and set together SMART targets. Furthermore, whilst demonstrating all the above and showing respect for the learners/student individuality will in itself be a motivator to learn. Within th e assessment plan you will be making an Assessment decision along with feedback: When giving feedback all learners will need to now how well they are getting on and what they have achieved. I always use the praise sandwich feedback method. This is Praise- Corrective feedback – Praise. This method ‘softens' the impact of the corrective feedback. The key to give effective feedback is to give feedback straight away and to do so with respect, understanding and action. 9As it states in PTLLS handout â€Å"Giving and Receiving Feedback† ‘Feedback is an important communication tool that can improve the way we work with one another. ‘ My organisation requires me to write down feedback on my assessment plans and on formal reviews.Task 3, Part 2 Part A Principles of assessment Initial Assessments are used to check the learners/students Literacy, language and numeracy skills to determine the level at which the learner/student is at and if they have any prior nee ds that need to be addressed before and during the programme. Diagnostics give a more thorough indication of the level and also the specific aspects for development as well as strengths. Identifying learning styles as a part of the initial assessment will help me determine the learning approaches to use and effectively complete the learners Individual Learning Plan (ILP).This is the students' timetable for learning and resources required. There are two well-known types of learning styles questionnaires that are commonly used with in our organisation. They are Visual Audio and Kinaesthetic (VAK) and Multiple Intelligences test. To begin with Fleming (2005) stated â€Å"that people can be grouped into four styles of learning: 6Visual, Aural, Read/write and Kinaesthetic (VARK). Not all learners fall into one style they can be the mixture of the four. In the second place Honey and Mumford (1992) suggests that learners are a mixture of the fours styles: Activist: Love challenges and are enthusiastic, enjoy dealing with new problems Pragmatist: They apply what they have learned to practical situation and enjoy the logical reason for doing something. Theorist: prefer to read lots of material first liking things that have been tried and tested. Reflector: like to think things in depth and then try something then reflect on the activity again. All information gathered from the initial assessment will help complete the ILP.Knowing your learners/students learning styles will help you adapt your teaching to suit their needs and in turn motivate them. Assessment activity: There are various types of assessment methods used both formal and informal . Formal assessment methods include assignments, case studies, essays, exams, multiple choice questions, observations, professional discussions, projects, tests and witness testimonies. Informal assessment methods include; discussions, gapped hangouts, journal diaries, peer assessments, puzzles and crosswords, self assessments, q uestions – oral and written, quizzes, role play and worksheets.I have to choose assessment methods accordingly depending on the student prior attainment and level of programme they are studying. Observation is a good way of assessing the learner within the workplace to assess learners' competence, attitudes and skills. This can then be followed up with oral questioning to confirm why they did or dealt with a certain situation in a particular way, checking their knowledge and understanding and encouraging them to reflect on their practice. If the observation was within a group situation then peer and self-assessment could also be used in conjunction with the observation.By using these methods the student are acquiring listening, observing and questioning skills. . Parts B and D – Creating Assessment Opportunities and Involving Learners in the Assessment Process Planning Training: My role is to plan what will be taught and when. This is a two- way process between me and my student. After completing the initial assessment I progress forward onto Assessment planning. This type of assessment is formative – reviewing progress throughout the programme until the end or when the learner leaves. I will plan what we are going to do so the student knows what is expected of them.If the students are working on assignments then I would need to set targets for completion. Moreover, if students are going to be assessed at work, either by an observation or simulation, then I would need to consider who, what, when, where, why and how to ensure we are both aware of the requirements. When planning I will need to ensure that all assessments are valid, authentic, reliable, current, and sufficient (VARCS). If I do not consider these aspects when planning then I will not know what I am assessing is necessary, credible, fair and relevant.The ILP is a personalised, flexible map to guide the learners journey. Within the ILP there will be results of the initial, and d iagnostic, assessment and learning styles. This will also include learner’s targets, timescales, details of resources and details of how and where the learning will take place. The ILP is a working document and should be used as an aid for both learners and students to record, negotiate and plan, review, assess and reflect on the learning experiences throughout their programme. Summative ssessment ——————————– Part C – Strengths and Limitations of Assessment Methods Assessment: There is a large variety of assessment methods available for assessing learners’ achievements. These include: observation, oral and written questioning, product evidence, discussions, witness testimony, recognising prior learning; skills tests, written assignments and case studies. Choosing the most appropriate assessment methods is vitally important to help and support and maintain motivation.Direct Observation: Allows the assessor to see the candidate in action and may be able to cover several aspects of the qualification during a single session (Holistic) the observation can take place within the learner’s normal working hours so there is minimal disruption as they are able to continue to do their job while being assessed. This should be planned in advance to suit both the learners and the assessor. This will also have to be arranged with the manager. The observation will have to be recorded in some way such as hand written, typed or recorded on DVR.Learners may â€Å"perform† differently as they are being watched. After the observation it is good practice to ask oral questions to clarify the reasons behind the actions. Questioning can take a number of forms. They can be delivered orally or in written form. Oral questions may suit learners with dyslexia or poor literacy skills. Workbooks can be produced to cover all knowledge questions for mandatory and optional units. After Observation the learner can be asked to explain why they did something; this gives them an opportunity to expand on things like procedures, policies or legislation.Part E Peer and self-assessment I use self – assessment on a regular basis as this promotes students involvement and responsibility and encourages reflection which is an integral part of the role as a childcare practitioner. However there are also limitations depending on the students as some students may lack confidence in their own ability and they may think that they have achieved more than they actually have Peer and self-assessment could also be used in conjunction with an observation. To make this a reliable assessment method he student will have to fully understand the assessment criteria and how to be fair and objective. There are many advantages and disadvantage of peer assessment. Students are focused on the criteria and this will empower each student to take ownership of their own learning and understan ding. A disadvantage is that student might be friends with their peers therefore being subjective rather than objective. Part F – Keeping Records of Assessments Quality and Evaluation: Record keeping. Is a part of quality assurance and is a process that has to be followed.This proves that the qualifications are being delivered and assessed fairly, consistently and accurately. This is in line with the Ofsted requirements. Within our organisation we use a variety of methods to maintain quality assurance. Our policies and procedures are revised yearly in order to test their current effectiveness and legality. If they need to be changed due to changes in legislation then this would be actioned immediately. The TC will be observed at regular intervals and scored using the Ofsted grading process.Staff Continuous Professional Development (CPD) records are kept up to date. Standardisation of practice takes place this is when will compare and conform procedures. Learner retention is m onitored along with complaints and appeals. During the course learner and employers surveys are completed. Quality Assurance is necessary to evaluate and Maintain high teaching standards. On all visits I will need to complete an assessment plan, records must be up to date, accurate, legible and factual.This is similar to a written contract between me and my learner but this can be reviewed and changed at any time. All assessment plan will be shared with my manager and mentor to confirm progress and to point out any areas of development needed for the learner to progress. Both the learner their manager will sign and be given a copy Word Count References Anne Gravells (2012), Preparing to Teach in the Life long sector: London,SAGE. 11. 1. Handout from Pttls course Teaching and Learning. 2. Handout from Pttls course Insitute For Learning. . Handout form Pttls course Teaching and teacher education. 4. Handout from Pttls course, The Learning Journer. 5. Handout from Pttls course, Maslow Hierarchy of needs. 6. Handout from Pttls courser VAK testing. 7. Anne Gravells (2012), Preparing to Teach in the Life long sector: London,SAGE. 32. 8. Anne Gravells (2012), Preparing to Teach in the Life long sector:London,SAGE. 112. 9. Handout from Pttls course giving and recieving feedback, Bibliography Anne Gravells (2012), Preparing to Teach in the Life long sector,: London,SAGE.

Friday, August 30, 2019

How to Effectively Manage Leadership

How to Effectively Manage Leadership [H. D. Williams] [Touro University Worldwide] Executive Summary The paper identifies the key points that Peter Topping has discussed in his book â€Å"Managerial Leadership†. This book is a guide for those who needs to build an effective leadership strategy. As Peter says that the management process involves the formulation of effective management systems right process for their application, have the right people with the right qualifications to manage and continuously improve systems to adapt to changing work environment.The major theme underlie in the book is that the managerial competence is necessary for laying the foundation for a very successful and flourishing career, however, it is a fact that demonstrated leadership skills are important to push the leader up to the organizational ladder and goals How to Effectively Manage Leadership Introduction The leadership is a feature of any organization, the axis motor of the same. It is ther efore important that any person that performs in the business develop leadership skills.According to Allen, (2008) the leader is the people comprising the action, who converts followers into leaders and who can become agents of change. Leadership ability has been identified as one of the central features determinants of successful staff. In this sense, the modern world requires all those who fulfill tasks in the business sector, to be the leaders, because leadership is the key to successful and improving organizations (Allen, 2008). About The Book The book which needs to be analyzed in this project is â€Å"Managerial Leadership† written by Peter Topping.Thus, the book has identified a number of facts which can be helpful as guidance for effective leadership. It is a fact that effective management in the new millennium of competitive business environment needs a solid and efficient leadership skills for which the companies lacks to provide adequate training and development. T here is a need for the Frameworks and top leadership tools for assessing leadership techniques, strengths for handling growth and change and thus, leads to make managerial leadership a veritable learning laboratory (Topping, 2001).Thesis statement The paper identifies how Peter has discussed The Role of effective management prevailing in competitive business environment in his book â€Å"Managerial Leadership†. Discussion and Analysis The book identifies a number of elements which is necessary for manage an effective management strategy. Thus, Leadership can be broadly defined as the process of inspiring, coordinating, directing, mentoring and motivating, individuals, groups of individuals, organizations, societies, or nations toward achieving goals or results.Such a simple definition hides the reality that leadership as a concept is rife with complexity and debate (Allio, 2005). More important, leadership as a field of study is vast and can be a daunting domain of study for newcomers to the field. Part of the challenge for people studying and researching leadership is the high volume of leadership theories and perspectives available (Buus, 2005). Leadership in the new economy with its constant changes required to have an ability to adapt to new emerging business model, maintaining constancy of purpose and core values.This ability increases if the leaders make deliberate choices consistent with the values and beliefs of the company. Therefore, today’s struggling economy is in need of an effective leadership development strategy (Buus, 2005). A simple search of the word leadership will yield several thousand articles and publications on leadership written by academic scholars. As such, any attempt to define and summarize leadership will be a complex endeavor that will never fully capture and account for the concept of leadership.The aim of this encyclopedic entry, therefore, is to provide a general overview of leadership specific to organization s tudies for the novice reader. Major Theme The major theme underlie in the book is that the managerial competence is necessary for laying the foundation for a very successful and flourishing career, however, it is a fact that demonstrated leadership skills are important to push the leader up to the organizational ladder and goals (Topping, 2001). Based in part on Dr.Peter Topping's experience as managing director of the Goizueta Institute for Corporate Learning and Research, a cross-disciplinary think tank created to advance the cause of leaders and leadership, this challenging and illuminating book provides: †¢ A proven, four-tiered approach to becoming a more effective leader †¢ Tools for developing coaching, teaching, and mentoring skills †¢ Methods to determine and strengthen effective leadership behaviors Management process is to take care of your business processes in the best possible way to improve performance.The management process involves the formulation of effective management systems right process for their application, have the right people with the right qualifications to manage and continuously improve systems to adapt to changing work environments (Topping, 2001). While it may be true that managers facilitate while leaders initiate, both skills remain valuable in today's workplace. Thus, from Managerial Leadership we find how to combine management and leadership into a dynamic approach for demonstrating effective leadership in any company or industry. Leadership DevelopmentNumerous studies have led to the same conclusion i. e. organizations that invest in leadership development are more effective than organizations that do not. Periods of economic instability only intensifies this effect. The latest study shows that all companies that have successfully gone through times of crisis have a clear strategy for leadership development. Investments, especially in a crisis, not only recovered but also brought profits. Research shows that the companies believe that it is more important to invest in the development of leadership in times of recession.Such companies not only survived but became stronger than their competitors. Studies show that investments in leadership development can: †¢ Improve the financial performance of companies †¢ Contribute to attracting and retaining talent †¢ Stimulate the development and maintenance of culture results (performance culture) †¢ Increase the agility of organizations (Topping, 2001). Effective Management Process management can effectively transform your business from failure to success in a short time.This means that you make good use of available resources in the organization such as money, personnel and facilities such as offices, equipment and tools and modern technology to achieve the objectives of the organization. Knowledge is also something very important for an organization and must be well managed through effective process management. Effective pro cess management will manifest through a business has improved, increased profits, satisfied customers, motivated employees, willing to go extra miles and improve their skills and a new workplace business (Allio, 2005).Thus, important features to be identified are as under: Instruments to ensure effective management Protected areas are instruments to achieve the objectives of nature conservation. As such instruments require human, material and financial resources, and procedures to achieve their goals. To improve the means and processes to achieve effective management, will develop six lines of work. Adequacy of management structures Success in meeting the objectives for declaring protected areas depends on many factors, some internal systems themselves nature conservation and many other external.The adequacy of the management structures of the areas and systems of protected areas is the basis for effectively achieving its goals. Quality Management for Conservation The nature conserv ation is a priority of the protected natural areas. As the active management progresses, it becomes necessary to develop tools to improve information sharing, standardize procedures, and evaluate the effectiveness of actions. Quality management of public use and tourism Progress has been made n improving the quality of public use and tourism in protected areas (two good examples are the Q for quality of services offered to visitors, and the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism as a joint project between managers and tourism professionals). There are several manuals to guide and establish benchmarks for the management of public use. It is time to consolidate and improve where necessary, the quality of these services (Topping, 2001). Quality management for economic developmentThe integration of socio-economic development objectives of protected areas has progressed over the years through the implementation of development plans and implementation of initiatives with the business o f the territory as marks of quality products and services associated to the parks. According to Peter, the laws of rural development and biodiversity provide a favorable scenario to promote good development practices in terms of sustainability. Evaluation of Management EffectivenessProtected areas are incorporating monitoring as an essential part of evaluating the effectiveness of management and the systematic collection of information and outreach through management reports. Leadership and Management Leadership as a concept in its broadest sense refers in essence to the one that brought forward the fundamental in the governance process and then, there is overlap between the concept of leadership and management. Thus, as the first is one of the components of the administrative process as several other elements of which (organization, planning, implementation and monitoring and follow-up).They also overlaps the other hand, comes in the context of the similarity in performance since b oth of them refers to the organization of group activity to achieve certain goals, as well as from that, the success of management is linked to a large extent the nature of leadership so the need for management capacity and presidents of qualified people with learning and creativity does not almost equivalent (Topping, 2001). The relationship management leadership management is not one year to the private, but it lies in the nature of each of the term management refers more to the policies, procedures and organizational tructure of any aspects of the technical and organizational while the driving means in particular profile of any humanitarian and short, that the administration is broader than leadership that is driving to one of the functions and tasks of management Developing Talent According to Peter, talent is now considered a competitive advantage: it is what differentiates successful companies from the rest. The task then is to identify: What is the talent of their workers? Ta lent is an asset to be managed effectively if you want to succeed in the market and also remain in the right place at the right time (Buus, 2005).While it is intangible, this is achieved by workers' performance and superior results that some of them, with great effort, manage to achieve. Talent is a strategic asset (scarce, valuable and unique) to be managed appropriately in the context of corporate strategy. Organizations can develop talent through: †¢ Design jobs, positions and business roles from the competencies and skills that are required in order to get the most out of it. †¢ Focus on developing leadership talent †¢ Motivate employees constantly Train your employees on the latest techniques, technologies and working methods †¢ Place employees in working jobs suited to their skills and competencies (Allio, pp: 1071-7). These practices are an outstanding for the leadership growth and can be used in leadership growth programs in various organizations. The abi lity of leaders is becoming scarce therefore; developing individuals internally is becoming more and more significant (Allio, 2005). According to Peter, there are many leadership practices that work as guidelines and can be incorporated in an organization to achieve success.Some of them include: Strong executive engagement, tailored leadership competencies, alignment with business strategy, target all levels of leadership, apply a comprehensive and ongoing approach and integrate with talent management (Topping, 2001). Other than these practices a leader may establish his own practices that may help him in achieving organizational goals. Conclusion Leadership growth is best planned and enforced when it takes place as a procedure implanted inside the organizational policy.This has significances for both the invention of â€Å"plans† and â€Å"procedures† (i. e. , numerous stages, numerous learning skills, constantly retreating to the requirements of the business). A lead er is not born overnight. Often it takes time for an individual to become a leader, and even after evolving a leader there is more to learn in alignment to become a productive leader. Leading by example is a mighty procedure. Leaders must possess the qualities they are seeking to incorporate into their team (Topping, 2001).Rather than understanding leadership as a position or an inherent trait, leadership is understood as an activity or process that involves the development of certain skills or capacities. While leadership differs in many ways from management, it is imperative that both functions exist and complement one another. Leadership is ultimately what will lead to innovation and positive change, and management assists in this process. To address the complex and adaptive challenges our society is facing today and will face in the future, we must find new ways to view leadership and engage in leadership in our organizations.Thus, through the book â€Å"Managerial Leadershipâ € , one can get the guide, strategies and tools that is required for implementing and cultivating a string and successful leadership organization and therefore, lead to develop one’s own valuable leadership efficiency and effectiveness (Topping, 2001). References Allen, S. , Hartman, N. (2008), â€Å"Leadership development: an exploration of sources of learning†, Advanced Management Journal, Vol. 73 No. 1, pp. 10-62. Allio, R. J. (2005), â€Å"Leadership development: teaching versus learning†, Management Decision, Vol. 3 No. 7/8, pp. 1071-7. Burke, V. , Collins, D. (2005), â€Å"Optimizing the effects of leadership development programmers†, Management Decision, Vol. 43 No. 7/8, pp. 975-87. Buus, I. (2005), â€Å"The evolution of leadership development: challenges and best practice†, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 37 No. 4/5, pp. 185-8. Peter A. Topping, (2001), Managerial Leadership, Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition (December 26, 2001 ), ISBN-13: 978-0071375238 Yukl, G. A. (2006), Leadership in Organizations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Personal Statement for University of South Alabama

For University of South Alabama - Personal Statement Example The pursuit of this program is also meant to help me develop better management competencies. One of my objectives that will help me develop better management competencies is to utilize the resource that this program will give me in getting a good grip of how to disseminate nursing practice both in writing and orally. My long-term goal is to join the nursing faculty in order to help impart nursing students with specialized knowledge preparing them for quality nursing practice. This is with the recognition that the student enrollment into nursing schools is growing with time whereas the nursing faculty workforce has remained the same. Teaching nursing will enable me to engage nursing knowledge at a higher level, imparting students with skills that will enable them to manage knowledge in this diverse science. Another thing that motivates me endeavor to join the nursing faculty is the increasing complexity of the healthcare system because this is creating a need for nursing students to get specialized knowledge to methodically navigate the system and still maintain high levels of nursing care to patients. This program offers a specialty in clinical nurse specialist in adult health and as such, it is best suited to help me realize my educational goal of gaining better knowledge in adult care. The program will impart me with competence in designing, implementing, managing and evaluating projects aimed at giving better care to adult patients guided by evidence-based practice. Some adult care initiatives needed inter-professional teams and the curriculum of this program is designed in such a way that will give me knowledge on how to lead and manage such teams. While on my clinical rotations, I realized that information technology has become crucial to clinical decision-making that helps improve the quality of patient satisfaction and this is the knowledge with which this program

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Occupational safety and health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Occupational safety and health - Essay Example The states by this act are bound to ensure the workers safety, the best practices adoption, flexible situations for workers, healthy atmosphere and all other aspects which must be taken care of. Over twenty states are O.S.H.A state plan certified while the rest are either partially indulged or in the process of acquiring the OSHA recognized states (Osha, 2010). Processes undertaken by respective states must be properly mechanized and should have the backup plan along with safety of workers. The processes should indulge activities which require no or minimum direct contact of workers with heavy machinery and all other kinds of material that is hazardous for human life and safety. Processes conformity according to the desired standards is achievable only if the states in first step ensures that in a certain span of time, it would have all the necessary facilities and prerequisites fulfilled that are being prescribed by

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and Innovation Essay

Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Essay Example The present research has identified that entrepreneurship is the act of taking a risk to offer at a fee for a product or a service to the market in order to make an income. The process of entrepreneurship involves identification of a problem and formulation of a workable solution to counter the problem. Innovation is the means by which something is conducted in a unique manner or differently. The two concepts are much related to entrepreneurs rely on innovation as a tool to help him provide a product or a service in the market. Innovation might employ the use of technology that entrepreneurs exploit to offer what they have to sell to the community. In the process of conducting a business as an entrepreneur challenges arise in each step of the way. Innovation helps entrepreneurs solve such challenges in a clever way that helps them stay afloat. Entrepreneurs calculate a risk and minimize it using innovations. The tool is applied in adapting to new market trends where the most innovati ve entrepreneur always remains relevant in the business even after the introduction of new products into the market. There is a more direct relationship between innovation and the performance of an individual or an organization considering them in an entrepreneurial context. The quality of service delivery and products are directly linked to the two subjects under discussion. When there is innovation, the individual or organization experiences a competitive advantage over his peers in the industry. It is easier for an organization to take informed steps and well-calculated risks with the application of innovation as a tool in delivering a product or a service. When the two relationships are good on an organizational or individual basis there are increased benefits from an increased market share, ROI (return on investment), new products, fast-mover advantage on products and the overall firm success.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Bureaucratic organization definition Research Paper

Bureaucratic organization definition - Research Paper Example Bureaucratic organization is therefore highly systematic because it ensures remarkable level of control by initiating hierarchy of authority and power maintained by appropriate rules and regulations. Based on the above definition, the key in bureaucratic organization is the presence of hierarchy which substantially helps individual or member draw the line between power or authority and control. For this reason, a bureaucratic organization could turn out as a highly formalized system with the inclusion of substantial rules and control. According to Weber, the characteristics of bureaucratic organization include the presence of division of labor, rules, hierarchy of authority, impersonality and competence (Lunenburg & Ornstein, 2007, p.42). This means that in bureaucratic organizations, positions have clearly defined objectives and ordered in hierarchy, there are corresponding rules and precedents, there must impersonality and impartiality, a career ladder is present, and there must be standard norm of efficiency (Kornblum, 2011, p.144). However, even though bureaucratic organization is organized this way, it still consists of network of contracts that interplay, that at some point collusion may be significantly observed (Tirole, 1986). This view is substantially contradictory to what is set as bureaucratic organization where high level of control is remarkable. If this would be the case, then even there would be division of labor and even social networks, the hierarchy must still prevail and in essence, rules must suppose to always prevail.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Coca cola gb marketing and economic strategy Assignment

Coca cola gb marketing and economic strategy - Assignment Example UK’s market is very competitive; therefore, there is need for campaign that would increase their customers’ engagement with the brand. Therefore, an online campaign starring a celebrity will allow the audience to know that Coca-Cola is a drink for every people (Young, 2014). The online platforms that could air this campaign are Facebook and Twitter. Coca Cola could stream this campaign in these platforms. Additionally, after streaming of this campaign, Coca Cola could show behind the scenes looks at the company, question-and answer posts, and thoughts about the drink. The hope is to bring Coca Cola close to the people, and to build trust with the customers (Sorenson, 2012). The celebrity used in the campaign has to give his/her testimonial after drinking Coca Cola. Giving a testimonial will add credibility to Coca Cola’s products. Definitely, studies indicate that people desire the same drink as their favourite celebrities (Suttle,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Cause and Effect Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cause and Effect - Research Paper Example The causes of advertising for blood donations in the past thirty years are the high demand for blood, the need to strengthen civic engagement beliefs, the reinforcement of social norms, and the effectiveness in appealing to different donor motivations, while the effects of advertising for blood donation differ, depending on the kind of motivations used, although studies showed that the most effective blood donation advertisements are those that appeal to altruism and social norms. Two of the contributing causes of advertising for blood donation are the high demand for blood and the improvement of civic engagement. The American Red Cross reported that only five percent of the eligible population donates blood, when it is estimated that almost 95 percent of all Americans will need blood in their lifetime (Windley, 2006, p.1). In her dissertation â€Å"Young Blood: Persuading Young People to Give Blood By Applying Concepts of Self-Perception and Social Norms Theories To Recruitment Ads,† Windley (2006) stressed that many first-time donors do not come back as repeat donors, especially when they are motivated initially through pressure from their family and friends. Misje et al. (2005), in their journal article â€Å"Motivation, Recruitment and Retention Of Voluntary Non-Remunerated Blood Donors: A Survey-Based Questionnaire Study,† noted from their review of literature that social pressure is not enough to sustain repeated blood donations (p.236). T hese sources agreed that social pressures are not sustainable forces in the voluntary blood donation settings, and they indicated the importance of advertisements in attracting blood donors. Local and international health organizations are then beefing up the call for blood donation through different marketing campaigns. Aside from the demand for blood supply, declining sentiments of civic engagement also drives advertisements that recruit blood donors, based on the study of Windley (2006). Different generations

TEXT ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

TEXT ANALYSIS - Assignment Example dy the trial’s circumstances as well as look into the circumstances that resulted to his accuser seek his death as well as the Athens’ people to agree in it. As far as this accusation goes, the scenario is not that different from the religion of St. Theodore of Sykeon. Theodore is sick and this could be a likened to Socrates’ being in court. Just as judges were there to look into the accusations against Socrates, in the cases of the saint there is God as well as the angles who come as doctors. Upon being asked why he is weeping, the saint answers that it is because he is unrepentant (The Life of St. Theodore of Sykeon ,1.2). This represents the accusations against Socrates. One of the major accusations against Socrates was denying gods that the state recognized as well as introducing to the state strange religions instead of such Gods. In the case of St, Theodore, earthly spirits that torment people can be seen. It the saint who continues to do miracles that does away with weaknesses as well as sicknesses. The spirits, weaknesses, as well as these spirits represent earthly gods that the state believes in, in the Socrates’ scenario. Theodore explains that something else that makes him cry is the young believers who need a shepherd. He is afraid that he will die and leave them without one. This is quite common the second accusation directed towards Socrates. That he turned away young people from their parents to serve the new religion he introduced. They accusers called it corrupting the young people. Socrates had associates whom he taught to despise State laws, amongst them, election through lots. Theodore has followers too: those who liked his works left their homes and came to be with him as well as change their lives to conform his teachings. Some of those healed by him as well opted to live by his side as well (The Life of St. Theodore of Sykeon, 2.2). Socrates during his presentation for his apology, his first words were that he was not sure if the